
Fleet Management

Fleet Management

TeleBudgie ® is available as an online and desktop application and can be configured to work standalone or together. They complement each other.

TeleBudgie ® is made up of the following modules that can be activated depending on customer requirements:
Fleet Management System
Fleet Maintenance System
Route Management System
Goods Despatch and Delivery Confirmation System

Real Time Reports
A key benefit of TeleBudgie ® is that it offers fleet operators real-time alerts via e-mail and / or SMS so that corrective action can be taken in a timely manner.

Once a telematics device is fitted to a vehicle, registered and configured using TeleBudgie ®, fleet managers receive an alert whenever a vehicle:
Spends extra time on a specified route
Stays at a stop/delivery point more than the specified time
Uses extra fuel than the standard limit
Travels extra distance to reach a destination
Exceeds the speed limit - over-speeding
Leaves, travels or arrives late
Deviates from a pre-scheduled route
Enters and leaves a pre-defined geo-fence
Enters into a restricted area